Cómo encontrar la dirección de la vida&#8217

SKU DUiL-003-JrSrHS Categoría

Tu enfoque determina tu futuro.




Focus on Finding Life’s Direction

Personalized Life and Career Planning Guide

Focus Area: Designed for High School and College Students to Be Prepared for Their Future

Número total de sesiones: 7

Why do you or your child need this course?

  • Se calcula que entre el 20 y el 50 por ciento de los estudiantes entran en una experiencia de educación post-secundaria sin declarar un curso principal de estudio. Fuente: Gordon
  • Más de 80% de los estudiantes cambian de carrera al menos de 1 a 3 veces, con un coste medio de más de $10.000 por cambio, lo que supone un endeudamiento adicional de la inversión universitaria. Fuente: Centro Nacional de Estadísticas Educativas
  • Más del 30% de los estudiantes abandonan la universidad en los dos primeros años. Estados Unidos tiene la tasa de finalización de estudios más baja del mundo desarrollado. Fuente: National Student Clearinghouse y la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos
  • Más del 50% de los estudiantes no están trabajando en un empleo o carrera en su curso principal de estudio. Esto es una pérdida de tiempo y dinero si no están trabajando en un empleo o carrera en base a su inversión de tiempo y financiera. Fuente: CareerBuilder

¿Qué incluye este curso?

Our Finding Life’s Direction Course will provide you with a process to get focused on your career path and be prepared for your future.  The course curriculum is an all-inclusive with videos, note-taking, interactive PDF Career Portfolio to capture all your results and exams and includes the following:

Session 1 Introduction – A review of the current statistics and trends in career readiness and development.

Session 2 Creating a Vision Statement – Vision is where you are going in life. Many people do not take the time to identify where they want to go based on their interests, abilities, & personality.  You will revisit your vision statement at the end of the course. At that time, you will have an opportunity to rewrite your vision based upon the learning that you obtain from our course.

Session 3 Passion—What Motivates Me Most? We identify your passion areas! Extracurricular activities are a critical component of your passions that can be beneficial for advancing in post- secondary education.

Session 4 Placement – Identifying Your Sphere of Influence. This session provides a vocational profile to identify your sphere of influence. The profile helps you identify the following cultural spheres – Business, education, government, media, family, religion, arts, and entertainment.

Session 5 Personality – Understanding what motivates self and adaptability while interacting with others. We use the DISC behavioral assessment system to identify those traits and qualities that shape our behavior and personality as well helping in social emotion learning.  Using that information we guide you through practical application examples for daily life, career, and work.

Session 6 Profession – Discovering a Personalized Career Pathway. This course includes a personal analysis of the DISC Focus Behavioral Style profile and descriptions of the 16 career clusters. The tool then matches a focus style with specific occupations in the 16 Career Clusters and Tech Prep (2 Year Degrees) that helps save time and money in a career choice. In addition, it offers ways to gain real world experience so you can secure that perfect job.

Session 7 Peak Performance – Process for Fulfillment. By creating objectives, goals, strategies, and measures, you can gain personal fulfillment and greater levels of achievement.

Resumen – The end result is an action plan to achieve your dream and fulfill your destiny!

Outcomes You Will Achieve

Once you have completed the Finding Life’s Direction e-Course, you will have achieved the following:

  • Create a personal VISION statement.
  • Understand your personal PERSONALITY style and the differences in others.
  • Discover your PASSIONS and areas of extracurricular activities.
  • Find your PLACEMENT in vocational spheres to impact and influence society.
  • Craft a career PATH matching your personality with jobs in career clusters.
  • Understand your PURPOSE why you exist.
  • Focus on PEAK PERFORMANCE by setting personal, career and educational goals.
  • Understand your ASSIGNMENT to fulfill your DESTINY and achieve your PURPOSE.


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